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Converts From Britain and Ireland in the 19th Century (15013)

Converts From Britain and Ireland in the 19th Century (15013)

SKU: 15013
  • The nineteenth century was a great period in the history of Britain and Ireland for conversions to the Catholic Church. Most of these converts came from Anglicanism, but they represented a wide range of interests and expertise. There were poets (for example, Hopkins, Dowson and Patmore), artists (Beardsley), men of law (Arnold and Hope-Scott), architects (Pugin and Scott), clergymen (Faber, Manning, Martindale and Newman) and representatives from many other trades and vocations. Some were eminent even before their "move to Rome," others almost completely unknown. Some found fame on their conversion, others suffered greatly for their zeal for the one true fold of Christ. Some came into the Church relatively early in life, whilst others entered at the final hour, even whilst on their death bed. The aim of this book is to summarize their lives and explain (by reference to quotations from their writings) why they entered the Catholic Church. This volume is a companion to the author's earlier book, Converts to Rome: A Guide to Notable converts from Britain and Ireland during the Twentieth Century, also published by Real View Books, and available here.

    By John Beaumont  •  Introduction By Fr. Stanley L. Jaki

    ISBN 978-0-9790577-1-7  •  viii + 121 pages  •  softcover

    © 2024 Real View Books 

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