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The Gist of Catholicism and Other Essays (11015)

The Gist of Catholicism and Other Essays (11015)

SKU: 11015
  • Of the nineteen essays of this book, the first was the last to be written. Its theme, that continuity is the gist of Catholicism, can be recognized throughout the other essays as well. This should be of no surprise. The various parts of Catholic doctrine, and their ramifications to policies to be followed by Catholics, have always formed a strictly coherent whole. No part in it can be dislodged or changed without a debilitating impact on all the other parts. This is why the relation of faith, reason, and science has to follow a clearly discernible path within the Catholic perspective; this is why liberalism, insofar as its champions fail to set limits to it, is incompatible with Catholicism. The limiting and directive factor of Catholicism comes through most forcefully in the role of the papacy. Four essays deal with the fact that in our times the grave questions raised by the scientific manipulation of human life received unequivocal answers only from the Catholic side. By the same token, as the concluding essay shows, only the social teaching of the Catholic Church has been able to steer a consistent course as the world has seen the shift from socialism to consumerism.

    By Fr. Stanley L. Jaki

    ISBN 978-1-892548-16-0   •   vii + 253 pages   •   softcover 

    © 2024 Real View Books 

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